
首页 > 范文范例 > 校园 > 关于座位的英文及例句


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Slouch back in one's seat

没精打采靠在座位上Speak for seats ahead of time

事先申请座位This is great ! I got a front row seat.

太棒了!我买到了前排座位。Unnumbered tickets/seats,eg at a concert hall or theatre

不对号的票[座位](如音乐会或戏院的) front rows of the mezzanine in a theater.

前座剧院楼厅前排的座位The boy ushered the patron to a reserved seat.

一个男孩把顾客引到预订的'座位上。He swung himself(up)into the saddle/into the driver's seat.

他纵身跨上马鞍/坐到司机的座位上Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggage in the lockers above the seats.

旅客须将随身携带的行李放入座位上方的贮藏柜里.I went to the concert on specI hadn't booked a seat.

我去听音乐会是碰运气,因为没预订座位ng a train ticket doesn't guarantee you a seat.


n. 坐具,座部,臀部,坐位,议会议员的选区,席位,中心,宅第

v. 就坐,坐下,可坐···人

They are standing by the seated figure of Shakespeare.

他们站在莎士比亚座像旁边。There was a scramble for the best seats.

大家争抢最好的位置。 I want a aisle seat.

我要一个靠走道的座位。Grethel seated herself on the doorstep.

格雷特坐在门阶上。This seat is shaded by a tree.